Use these techniques to master financial storytelling fast and easy

Hi Reader,

At the beginning of my career in Finance, I made one big mistake:
I totally underestimated Financial Storytelling.

But when I became a manager, this was exactly Financial Storytelling that allowed me to get a faster promotion than my peers.

And today I want to share you my tips on this.

Because what's the point of deep analysis, number crunching, and hard work if you can't properly deliver the value to the audience?

My goal is to show you how you can learn it without losing time and rather spend that time with your family.

In this week's newsletter, I will reveal the secrets of financial storytelling and explain how you can immediately apply them in your job.


An offer from my friend Soufyan

I am sure you have searched for online resources to learn financial storytelling, but are they worth your time?

Would you rather trust the number one expert who created a program that big international companies paid thousands of dollars to learn from and is now accessible to you for only $150?

I have personally participated in Soufyan's program, taught it live with him, and observed the results that finance professionals get from it.

Soufyan is offering all my newsletter readers a one-time opportunity: For the next two days, you can save 40% on his Financial Storytelling Program!

How to Improve Your Data Storytelling in Finance

Creating a narrative around the business allows you to explain the “why” behind your figures through storytelling.

Almost every task involves financial storytelling, from preparing your board deck and presentation deck for funding rounds to regular operational chores like the month-end close.

From my experience, I've identified seven techniques that will enhance your storytelling abilities and deepen your understanding of this important trait.

Here, I will reveal three of them that you need to start with.
You will also find examples of them and my expert tips on how to use them the best way.

#1: Submit the Correct Questions

The finest review you can receive from a meeting of the board is, “You anticipated our questions!” In other words, you can predict the hot topics and make everybody saves time!

What financial KPIs are important to the board? What message are these indicators actually giving us? Do we need to change our strategy? By asking yourself these questions, you may develop presentations full of “a-ha” moments that lead to an interesting narrative.

Expert tip: Create a Question Database

  • Compile a list of frequently asked questions from previous meetings
  • Regularly update this list with new questions.
  • Use this database to predict and prepare answers for future presentations

#2: Practice Your Lines

Your ability to convey a story requires more than simply a strong presentation deck. Additionally, you can channel that excitement into your voice and tone by being aware of where your punchlines are—the statistics and significant victories that will make your audience react.

Expert tip: Rehearse with Feedback

  • Schedule practice sessions where you present to a small group of colleagues
  • Ask for specific feedback on your delivery, clarity, and data points
  • Record your practice sessions to identify areas for improvement

#3: Keep Your Consistency

People don't like change. And having a powerful story is easier when you use a consistent structure.

I always recommend keeping a clear structure so you can focus on the content and not on the form. That should be your number one focus if you don't have that in place.

Expert tip: Use a Presentation Template

  • Develop a standardized template for your presentations
  • Include sections for context, challenges, solutions, and future plans
  • Ensure each presentation follows this structure to maintain consistency

The rest of the techniques are equally important as the ones above, as without them, you won't be able to understand this important trait and how to improve it.

You can read about the rest of them on my website, and you will also find information about the real value of a data story.

I want to know if you have already worked on your financial storytelling before and what were your impressions of it?

Let me know!

I hope you enjoyed this email.

Looking forward to reading your questions and responses!


P.S.: Make sure you don't miss this unique opportunity to have the number one skill to impress your peers and colleagues, thanks to Financial Storytelling. Save 40% on the number one financial storytelling program!

Count down to 2024-06-20T04:00:00.000Z

Note: I am an affiliate of Soufyan's program because I believe in its value, and I have seen the transformation results myself. I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.

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