The top 5 overlooked FP&A tactics that set me apart (+freebies)

Hi Reader,

We've all learned certain strategies, theories, and best practices in school.

But there are some skills you can never learn at school.

In school, they don't teach you how to step out of the crowd and be better.

My goal is to reveal the underrated FP&A tactics that helped me progress, and that will help you make a difference in your job.

I've learned them from my personal experience and today I want to share them with you.

In this edition, I will share with you how to continue to stay above your peers. Here is what we cover:

  1. Last opportunity to join our Advanced ChatGPT Live Cohort
  2. New video on how to use ChatGPT for Finance
  3. Top 5 Underrated FP&A Tactics
  4. Offer of the week: 50% on the FP&A course
  5. Freebies of the week (Financial Statements Excel Template and top 100 data analysis tips PDF



1. Our live cohort starts this Tuesday 24 September

If you want to learn how to use AI for your financial analysis with confidential data, you can take one of the last spots in our Live cohort starting this Tuesday 24 September.

I think live cohort training is the most efficient way to learn a new skill and apply it directly into your work in a record time.

Why? Because being live forces you to learn and you save a lot of time compared to other methods of learning.

If you want to finally use AI in your financial analysis and automate your finance tasks, join us this Tuesday.
πŸ‘‰ Get one of the last spots now!​

2. Video of the week

If you want to know how to use ChatGPT in Accounting, don't miss my new video where I demoed concrete use cases.

In the video, you will learn how to prompt and how to use ChatGPT for Financial Analysis.

I am not only talking, I am showing you how I do it directly inside ChatGPT and I am sharing my screen during the video to reveal my best tricks.

3. Top 5 Underrated FP&A Tactics (click here to learn the top two)

Here, I reveal to you the 5 most important secret FP&A weapons I used in my 15 years of experience.

#5. B.O.T.E

B.O.T.E stands for Back-Of-The-Envelope.

B.O.T.E calculations are a skill you need in board meetings and in your daily activities.

In every meeting I went to, each time there was a question with numbers, all eyes looked in my direction.

Why? Because for everybody, finance = numbers.

This means you need to react fast but still not lose your credibility.

Here are my tips:

  • Use arithmetic shortcuts and principles
  • Only aim for a rough estimation
  • Know the basic numbers of your company

#4. PVM Analysis

I am always surprised that they don't teach that at school.

​PVM analysis is a powerful method that helps us understand the profitability of our products or services.

By breaking down revenue or margin into its components - price, volume, and mix - we can identify the drivers of profitability and make strategic decisions to optimize our business.

PVM analysis enables us to assess the impact of pricing or margin changes, sales volume variations, and shifts in product or customer mix.

Price Volume Mix is the best analysis method you can use to compare sales, margin, or even payroll costs.

Where you need to use PVM Analysis:

  • Product Decisions: Identify top-performing and underperforming products
  • Pricing: Gauge effects of price changes on profitability.
  • Margin: Applied to margin instead of revenue, PVM helps you understand your margin variances

#3. Listen to Your Business Partners

Listening actively to your business partners is pivotal.

Their insights can guide your focus, ensuring that your efforts align with the current business challenges.

Why? Let's be honest; it's often the case that finance isolates itself and will work on the wrong priorities.

In my career, this was one of the skills that was most appreciated by my business partners. It made my work more valuable and recognized.

Here are my tips:

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule consistent meetings with stakeholders
  • Open Questions: Encourage partners to express their needs
  • Prioritize: Align your tasks with business goals
  • Feedback Loops: Ensure ongoing communication for adjustments
  • Stay Updated: Be aware of operational changes and challenges

Learn the top two tactics in my website article.

Count down to 2024-09-27T07:00:00.000Z​

Many of you want to climb the FP&A ladder in your company.

And usually, you end up frustrated as you don't find something that will change the trajectory of your career.

I've been there in the same spot, and I know this feeling.

That's why I worked hard to create something that will move the needle for you based on my 15 years of experience.

And this week, you have the opportunity to secure your lifetime access to it by saving 50%.

So what is it about?

I've created the Financial Analysis for FP&A video course specifically that will help you secure your salary raise because you will be the one who brings value to your boss.

​What you will get by taking it:​

  • Master sales, margin, and cost variances: Identify profit drivers and inefficiencies, proving your strategic value
  • Turn raw data into actionable insights: Become the go-to expert for data-driven decisions that impact the bottom line
  • Link financial and operational data: Provide comprehensive analysis that drives business growth
  • Quick calculations on the fly: Impress in meetings with fast, reliable assessments of business scenarios
  • Advanced analysis techniques: Use profitability, sensitivity, and overhead analysis to uncover key insights and drive performance
  • Optimize workforce costs: Manage headcount KPIs effectively especially in these tough financial times

And that's just a part of it!

​Save 50% and get your access to the 34 on-demand videos and 17 Excel templates now!

​This limited-time offer will be available until Thursday, so hurry up before it's too late.

5. Freebies of the week


If you found value in this email, just drop me a note ;)




P.S.: This course is tailored for those who are frustrated with the lack of coaching, feel trapped in routine, and are ready to upgrade their skills to drive impact. Unlike the scattered resources online, the Financial Analysis for FP&A course offers targeted insights and hands-on techniques. Get it now and secure your 50% savings!​

Count down to 2024-09-27T07:00:00.000Z​

Tips & Insights on Finance & AI

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